As the title would have you believe I have been a very busy bee. However I can't tell you what I have actually done!
I have thought about finishing off my Lib Quilt RR... but haven't actually done it yet! I have considered finishing Isabella's quilt (even moved enough to put some piecing in between some of the blocks), its no where near completed though. I have been thinking very hard about the Banners I make and the Sashes I am putting together... but alas.. not actually done it... however, I have been tutoring my Step Daughter and my eldest daughter in some sewing and general craftyness... so I can't really say I have done naught!
I have cut out some sashing material that will be great on the underside of a satin sash, I don't want the wearer to be getting static shocks from the satin rubbing on their clothes all night! I have also bought some satin from Ebay, not the best I don't think but I'll use it as a comparison to the fabric in our 'semi' local haberdashery shops.
Our local one is very limited on fabric stock, mostly because she has a small shop, but is busy, and most definitely has caught onto the trend early. Beryl started as a knitting shop, quickly went into embroidery machining and is now pulling in all sort of crafting ideas.
So where does this leave me now? well that's a good question, it leaves me high in the sky with pennies dribbling away and none dribbling in! I have done a banner for one of the teachers from my daughters school and have left messages for her to say that it's ready for her to collect.... or for me to drop off... but nil response! So that can only mean that, I have made a banner specifically for someone and now I can't use it again other than for advertising. In which case I will be doing more to it, adding gems, ETC..... I also need to look into the brother software that allows me to download a picture and then create that picture onto the material ... so far we have got to turning the picture into a cross stitch embroidered item, which looks pretty terrible. Simon my resident computer whiz was also baffled by the software's complexity and rather backward way in working. Why should I have to upload, then select which area's are then to be one colour then another, why can't the software locate this itself?.... that's why I don't do pc repairs or websites I guess!
Do I have anything to show for my time in well, limbo land?
most certainly do!
Now dear friends and readers, I bid you good night, or good morning, or maybe good day?! Its past time I was in bed, and I am certain my baby boy will want a mummy feed any time soon,
Take care of you x
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