a lovely day I can't deny, but one that has again left me short of money with nothing taken in again!
I gave out a few business cards, but that was it, whilst my table buddy Ruth sold quite a few things and had a great day. Which I have to be honest about, stung a wee bit, but we are together and I can't be bitter about it. The lesson to be learn't is that whilst the bags are great and will sell, in the right arena. The best sellers' are the children's sundries. The little nick nack's that attract the little ones attention and then Mummies purse. Generally Mummies are the ones that end up dipping into the coffer's, just because their little angels look so incredibly cute with what ever sundry they have pick up!
This evening I am (morning now actually), trying to put a cat together.
Wait for the outcome... It shouldn't be too far away....
I hope
Take care for now,
J x
She look's purrrfect x