Saturday, 21 July 2012

Owl Tutorial - Twit Twoooh

Yes that's right I will be making an Owl (actually I am in the process now), I am taking photographs, and have the software to apply the pattern to the tutorial onto this blog.

This Owl is designed to be used for 'Memory' toy manufacture.  Obviously not to sell, as this pattern is my own, unless via private agreement, with Royalties pending.

Fingers crossed it will turn out to be a delightful little critter, and the materials I have used are just a small T-shirt. It's not the most pretty T ever, in fact its a white one, with fabric pen doodles across it, but that makes it totally individual, I'll be trying a cotton fabric one too, just to test the theory.

Keep watching this space...

J x

1 comment:

  1. I took photographs through the entire manufacture and hatching of Macie Owl - an Owl made using a little babies first baby grows, I took down notes to compliment them too....

    I looked back over the photographs, I had so diligently taken, and altered Macie so she got the optimum lighting for all to see the process.... It was at this point that I saw the words I really dread on my rather nice camera...
    "No card", What a total idiot I felt like, I had worked solid for hours trying to get it right, and making sure all the pictures followed suit and looked the same - lighting wise.

    So the tutorial I hoped to up load for you all hasn't actually appeared at all.

    I still have the running commentary, so I can type that in and give you all a rough Idea of my workings, however, the pictoral tutorial would have been the best result for beginner's to understand (especially as I don't consider myself anything above a beginner also!)

    Oh goodness me, back to the drawing board I guess... that said, I still have fabric left, so will create a lovely rag'd mobile with dangling animals for the little lady in question... this time I'll make double sure the camera is in the slot!
